A place to come home.

Expand Your Intuitive Heart. Elevate your Inner Self. 
Experience your True Power.


Heal. Restore. Balance. Rise.

Experience a safe, supportive and high vibrational environment to help you remove blocks that limit expansion, heal past trauma, promote self healing and create a sense of deep calm...


Release and Heal.

Kinetic Chain Release (KCR)
A powerful and scientifically proven, 23 step protocol of gentle mobilizations and stretches that quickly and effectively shortens injury and recovery time, releases a multitude of aches and pains, and rebalances the body - fast. 

Learn More

Are you ready to be who you came here to be?

If there was ever a time to wake up to your greatness and  experience true power, it’s Now.

What other’s are saying...

“Kim is extraordinarily intuitive. In my session, she quickly identified deeply rooted areas of struggle, shed light on them, and resolved these longstanding blocks. I was amazed. I feel lighter, happier and overall, free. She is a powerful healer. Yet, almost paradoxically, she is gentle and humble. A feeling of safety was pervasive throughout the session, which was reassuring and made all processes come easily. I would highly recommend her services to anyone seeking healing. She is a true gift to the world and I feel blessed to have found her.”


Amy, Author and Teacher, United States

“Kim’s distance healing session had a profound effect on me.  I reached out when I was in a dark place of pain and suffering.  After 5 days in bed with a migraine, the pressure in my head was unmanageable.  Within 30 min the pressure decreased and shifted so that I could get out of bed and function. The really cool thing was later that night I felt like I was still experiencing shifts from our session.  I had the best sleep ever!  And woke up symptom free the next day.  I am still in awe and extremely grateful for this experience with Kim.”

K. Shuttleworth, Intuitive Healer & Coach

"Kim is a gift to those seeking deep healing. Her own warmth and energy have become an invitation to connect to my own, helping me work through long standing stuck points that had darkened life. She has been able to access and move energy that I’ve never been able to work with, despite my own work in therapy and training as a therapist. I am beyond grateful for being intuitively seen in moments of deep pain, without having to explain anything, and having this held with love and wisdom. These sessions leave me with lightness, metaphors, insights, and a sense of being at home with myself. There have been tears in session and as I write this, tears again, as I am so moved by what she’s been able to provide. I have witnessed profound shifts in clients of mine I've referred also, those who have seen her alongside our therapeutic work together. I am in awe of their openness and lightness after being unburdened by past traumas within their energy sessions. Thank you Kim, for sharing your beautiful, gentle and powerful spirit with us."

Laurie S., Registered Clinical Social and Registered Social Worker

“Kim is one of those rare gems, she has been a trusting companion to walk with on my own journey to becoming an intuitive coach. Her depth of experience and clarity are truly inspiring as much is her down to earth personality. She is compassionate, honest and meets you exactly where you are at and supports your highest healing. A true teacher/trainer if you are looking to awaken and align to your authentic and truest Self.”

Aparna V., Spirit Baby Whisperer and Intuitive Coach, United States

Last night I experienced a virtual appointment with Kim. It was truly beautiful. The energy flowed through my body in the way that it needed to, and the sensations were as real as if she was stood beside me, despite us being thousands of miles apart...” 

Joanne Sissons, Fertility Coach, England

"Kim is amazing! She has the most wonderful energy. She exudes warmth and kindness. She holds such a beautiful safe space for healing. She has done really powerful healings for me, where huge things have shifted and released. After a session with her I am so full of peace, love, light, and wellbeing. I feel so grateful for her; she is blue skies and sunshine!!"

Rosemary Laurel, Clinical Therapist and Intuitive Coach, Vancouver

“Kim is a gentle, caring, passionate soul who is incredibly in tune with each person’s needs. She was able to facilitate a deep internal experience while staying in tune to what my body and mind needed. Kim created a safe, non judgemental space and after the session I felt so much lighter, a feeling that remains with me to this day.”

Wendy, Chilliwack B.C. -Energy a Healing Experience Client

“After working with Kim I  feel energized, at peace and I sleep better - which makes getting up so much easier - it’s like the benefits never end.  These sessions have helped me out of dark places. Kim has helped me realize that I don’t have to ‘try’ to be strong anymore because, I AM strong. I am beyond grateful.”

Jill W. Chilliwack B.C.

“Wow! Absolutely amazing!  I wasn’t sure what to expect going in for my first session but Kim explained it all to me perfectly and I was so happy I tried it. It made me feel so grounded and warm and relaxed all rolled into one. Afterwards I felt less stress and incredibly light. It was an incredible feeling.  I will definitely be a returning client. I highly recommend her. Not only is she great at what she does but Kim also has a beautiful soul. You instantly know you are seeing someone who truly cares about their clients.”

S Russell, Massage Therapist, Vancouver B.C

Inspiration For Awakened Hearts